An Outdoor Affair | Denver Wedding Hairstylist | Braiding Specialist and Updo Artist

An outdoor affair

When you are holding your wedding outside, use these tips and insights to keep your hair looking wonderful all day long!

Who doesn't dream of an outdoor summer garden wedding, or a beautiful mountain ceremony? Outdoor weddings are great for many reasons, but one problem usually occurs, the weather. For all of you Colorado natives, you fully understand what I'm talking about with our latest snow storm falling in the beginning of May. Nothing beats that start to summer!

Bad weather like rain, wind, heat, and anything else under the sun can wreck your gorgeous hair do. So when choosing your hairstyle for your wedding day, keep in mind these simple tricks and tips!

Down and Free Flowing

If you're going to wear your hair down and loose, make sure you talk to your stylist before hand. When choosing your wedding style, you don't want to feel completely out of your comfort zone, but something different than your every day look makes it more special.

Curls and volume show up nicely in photos, and by creating that extra height or width within the style, it pairs well with offsetting the wedding dress.

To get long lasting curls and volume, I would typically ask the client to come in for a blow out, where within the drying process we can maximize the volume. Throughout this style, I would also use a bodifying mousse, as well as shine and frizz serum. Of course, before sending you out the door, we would fully set it in stone with a firm holding hairspray. 

Now keep in mind, although I am a hairstylist who specializes in wedding hair, it does not mean I am magic. If your hair does not hold shape very well, or you are worried about the weather conditions, this style may not be for you and we should transition into another route. 


Half  up half down

If you cant decide whether to go all up or all down, consider a half updo. This type of style is a beautiful way to keep your lovely locks pulled back out of your face, while still getting the feminine aspect of romantic waves. 

This style is also a nice happy medium for clients whose hair does not hold curl the best. By having a few pins locking in the style, it makes a world of difference, especially with the weather. It also allows for some beautiful placements of the veil and any other hair pins you have in mind!

Although your hair will still be cascading down the back of your neck, it is now pulled away from your face. This will be great for you in pictures, because you wont constantly have to keep moving hair strands away. It also creates a nice shape and roundness of the head, that will be accentuated in photos. 


Sleek and Sassy

A slicked back hairstyle will keep your frizzies under control in the worst weather conditions, which can ultimately be a life savior for curly haired gals and even straight hair brides alike. 

In preparation for a style like this, deep conditioning will become your best friend. Do a few extra hair masks prior to your wedding, and look into purchasing a more hydrating and moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. 

This style will hold up in all weather types, but will also be one of the most refreshing styles to have, in which everything is pulled up and away from your face and neck. Paired with some nice jewelry and hair accessories, you will still feel and look like a princess!


Curly Updo

This is one of the more popular styles as we see weddings of 2017. You most likely have heard the terms "messy" and "loose" when talking about these specific styles. 

This type of style usually resides lower on the head below the occipital bone, and typically has strands curled and left out around the face and throughout the updo. This causes a softness of the style, where it looks as nothing is to perfectly placed. 

This style is one of my favorites, because not only is it fully secured and pinned, but it has that romantic look as we frame the face with specific pieces of the hairstyle. You can find different techniques used in the back of the style pulling everything together such as, braiding, pincurls, and loose waves.  I can guarantee this style to work and hold on all types of hair, and possibly even lasting into the next morning! You will be able to dance the night away without even missing a pin!
